Santolo beach, "Virgin Exotic"

That morning, the sun not to mention the full glow. Its rays are still shy peeking out from behind the horizon Santolo beach, the sound of the waves is heard not as hard as the previous night.
This beautiful beach is 150 kilometers from the city of Bandung, or 80 kilometers from the town of Garut, West Java, Indonesia. His name is certainly not semasyur Kuta Beach in Bali, but the silence and the panoramic view of the beach is certainly a distinct advantage.

In fact, when compared to Pangandaran beach in Ciamis or Pelabuhan Ratu in Banten, Santolo fairly deserted beach. In addition Santolo Coast, there are also Coast Heulang Unfortunately that is equally beautiful in Garut.

Vice Regent of Garut Diky Chandra describes as Santolo Coast beaches exotic virgin. "Can we see the beauty and kealamiannya, pristine untouched by anyone. If there are investors who invest here and invest, Cote Santolo as good as this will Sanur or Kuta Beach in Bali," he said).
Not many beach lovers who know Santolo tourism. "Maybe because of the remoteness and winding journey, many people are reluctant to come here. I am very optimistic that someday it will be Santolo Coast tourist destination both West Java and nationally and internationally," said Diky.

Coast Santolo there was a rocket launch site that is part of the institution of the National Aeronautics and Space Institute. In addition, fish auctions complete with seafood restaurants scattered along the road towards the beach Santolo.
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