A paradise for lovers of outdoor activities

At the end of the glaciation period (last glacial maximum) about 18,000 years ago, sea levels dropped dramatically in the earth. Most of the volume of sea water trapped as ice in polar regions due to exceptional cooling process. Because of changes in this environment, early humans who used to live in the savanna areas and then switch to closed areas or caves for shelter. Goa necessarily become a haven for early humans.

Hypotheses about the phenomenon of the existence of early humans who inhabit the recesses of the cave karst gets a touch of the instructions with the discovery of human bones, arrowheads, and the skeleton monkeys (Macaca sp) in some cave in Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta. In general they live in the recesses of the mouth of the cave karst mountains that lined Sewu from Wonosari, Gunung Kidul, until Pacitan, East Java.

Team Faculty of Humanities University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Archaeological Center together in 2001 to 2008 tracing Song (niche cave) and Song Bentar Ponjong Blendrong in the District, Gunung Kidul. On the basis of a human skeleton was found a niche cave, eating utensils from the bones, and bones of monkeys.Because of the discovery of the bones of monkeys, humans supposedly ancient times it has a close attachment with these primates. There are two allegations that arise. First, monkeys are game animals and the animals become the medium of ritual worship to the ancestors.

"Presumably there immemorial ritual worship of ancestors through the monkey. If the animal is consumed or eaten, the skull is usually broken down. However, monkey skull found is quite intact, "said archaeologist UGM, David Aris Tanudirjo.In 2008, research was conducted in Song Tritis, District Rongkop, Gunung Kidul. In the niche of the cave was rediscovered similar hunting equipment, such as bone and stone arrowheads.

"Framework for humans were found physically and anatomically like modern humans. Their hunting culture is also quite advanced for the use of eye stones and bones, "he said. In addition to living in the recesses of caves, ancient human activity is also around the coast. In Goa Jrebeng near Kukup Beach, for example, a large animal bone found in the family Bovidae, such as buffalo and rhinoceros, thought to be prey animals early humans. According to David, Junghuhn scientists who've been to Gunung Kidul in the 1800s in some of the article mentions, he saw the animals there.

Judging from the many discoveries of ancient traces of human activity in some cave, expected movement patterns of early human life when it is seminomaden, where the caves became a central place to congregate. Therefore, the cave is a strategic place to shelter from the heat.

Based on the findings in an integrated way in the caves of Gunung Kidul district, there are some peculiarities that are found from ancient human activity there. Some special cases are found is the existence of burial practices, hunt with tools, adaptation of woodland with a refuge in the cave, rituals, and hunting monkeys.
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