Beautiful island of Belitung

Sandwiched between the Gaspar Strait and the Strait of Karimata, stood a charming decorated island beautiful beaches and stunning scenery, the island of Belitung name. There is a unique landscape adorned with pearls like white sand beaches, clear water is fresh, and kokohnya granite rock formation in shallow water's edge. It's all just a part of the island's best views of Laskar Pelangi.

Together with the island of Bangka next to a much larger and other smaller islands, first of all these islands are in the same province of South Sumatra Province. However, later in 2000, the archipelago was officially formed into new provinces to 31 in Indonesia called Bangka Belitung province.

Belitung Island is divided into two districts namely Regency Tanjung Pandan Belitung with the city as its capital and East Belitung districts with the capital Manggar.

Formerly known as the island that produces tin mining, quartz sand, and kaolin

In September 2005, a writer from the Pacific Islands of Andrea Hirata, published a novel titled "Laskar Pelangi". He took the story background Belitung Island in the novel so then this island received wide recognition and has even crossed the globe to various countries since translated into English, Malay, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean.

In 2008, the novel "Laskar Pelangi" are diverted to the big screen by taking the background scenery so charming island of Bangka Belitung unfold their beauty in the eyes of the world. The name of the novel "Laskar Pelangi" then officially used as the name of the port on the island.

Film Laskar Pelangi has revealed the enchanting beauty of Belitung island that has long been neglected

Although not as popular as Bali or Lombok, Belitung Island is blessed with several beautiful beaches. Soft white sand, the sand on the island is even whiter than the one on the beach in Bali tourism.

The most distinct scenery on the beach of Belitung is a large granite rock formations that spread along the shallow waters. Granite giant froze in the middle of the water side by side with the beautiful scenery around charming. Some of these gigantic rock formations and even form a short tunnel underneath the park so attractive to play in the calm waters. Discover one of the coastal scenery with views of granite in Cape Coast High which also became settings for the film "Laskar Pelangi".

There are also other beaches offering spectacular granite rock formations are magnificent and peaceful atmosphere such as Cape Coast Kelayang Beach, Beach Bird Bath, Tanjung Binga, Punai Beach, and Beach Membalong.

Belitung is also surrounded by more than 100 small islands that are mostly decorated with white sand and granite, but only a few islands are inhabited. One of the island of Pulau Galangal is a place where you can find antique ancient home of the 19th century built by the Dutch East Indies government. Bird Island, Island Babai, Pengadaran Island, Monkey Island, Monkey Island, and Island Jenang is among several small islands that offer beautiful scenery.

In addition to stunning beaches, Islands also boast a legacy of his past. In Tanjung Pandan, Belitung Museum has a large collection of the complete history of the island. In the wake of 1963, the museum initiated a Belgian geologist, Dr. Oesberger, who was then working in the mining industry Belitung.

Traditional tin mining method is quite interesting for you see, there are no chemicals that are only water and mud.

At first, the Pacific Islands Museum is a house that holds a collection of mining exploration. Then made plus museums and collections, including traditional household appliances, pottery, traditional weapons, and many others.

There is also a 18th century Buddhist temple is beautifully situated in the village of Bird Bath, District Manggar. Goddess Kwan Imini monastery was built in 1747 and still serves as a holy place for Buddhists. China offers a different architecture, the temple stood above the beautiful hill and offers amazing views.

Whether it is to trace the Laskar Pelangi, or just enjoy the scenery magnificent granite rock formations on the beach, Belitung Island certainly offers one of the interesting experiences

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