Java island

Java is an island in Indonesia with 136 million inhabitants, this island is densely populated island in the world and is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. The island is inhabited by 60% of Indonesia's population. The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located in western Java. Many historical records housed in Java Indonesia, formerly Java is the center of the kingdoms of the Hindu-Buddhist, Islamic Empire, the Dutch East Indies colonial heart, and is central to Indonesia's independence campaign. The island is dominated social life, politics, and economy of Indonesia.

The island is divided into four provinces:
1. West Java
2. Central Java
3. East Java
4. Bantam and two special regions
5. Jakarta
6. Yogyakarta.

Besides the island of Java has a very much natural wealth of culture, art and nature are so beautiful.
Among them:
1. Mount Bromo
2. Mount Semeru
3. Pangandaran Beach
4. and much more.

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