Semeru Mountain

Mount Semeru or Sumeru is the highest volcano in Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3676 meters above sea level. The crater at the summit of Mount Semeru known Jonggring Saloko.

At the peak of Mount Semeru (Peak Mahameru) climbers are advised not to Jonggring Saloko crater, also banned from climbing the south side, because of the poisonous gas and lava flows. This poisonous gas known as Wedhus Gembel (Java language which means "goat dreadlocks", ie a hairy goat like dreadlocks) by the locals. Mahameru dipuncak temperature range 40-10 degrees Celsius, at the height of the dry season minus 0 degrees Celsius, and ice crystals found. Weather is often foggy, especially at noon, afternoon and evening. The wind was blowing hard, in the month of December to January is often a storm.

The first person to climb this mountain is Clignet (1838) a Dutch geologist from the southwest through Widodaren, then Junhuhn (1945) a Dutch botanist from the north through the mountains Ayek-ayek, mountains and mountain Inder Inder-Kepolo. In 1911 Van Gogh and Heim via the northern slope and after 1945 generally done via the northern slope ascent through Ranupane and Ranu Kumbolo it is today.
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