The beauty of Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia which has 17,504 large and small islands, about 6,000 of them uninhabited, which spread around the equator, which gives the tropical weather.

Indonesia's territory extends along 3.977 mile between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Indonesia's land area is 1,922,570 km ² and 3,257,483 km ² in area waters. The island is densely populated island of Java, where half the population of Indonesia live. Indonesia consists of five major islands, namely:

1. Java
2. Sumatra
3. Borneo/kalimantan
4. Sulawesi
5. Papuan

Beside rich natural resources of Indonesia is also rich in traditional culture, including:
1. Traditional custom home
2. Traditional dance
3. Traditional songs
4. Traditional music instruments
5. sculpture
6. Traditional clothing
7. food

Indonesia is also rich with natural resources that so many beautiful places, namely Bali, Wakatobi, Raja Ampat and more natural beauty of Indonesia that is still untouched.
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