The beauty of Papua

Papua is a province of Indonesia are the largest located in the center of the island's easternmost parts of Papua or West New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Eastern parts of the country of Papua New Guinea or East New Guinea.

Indigenous groups in Papua consisting of 255 tribes, with each language is different. The tribes include: Ansus, Amungme, Asmat, Ayamaru inhabit the Sorong, Biak, Dani, Empur inhabit Kebar and Amberbaken, Hatam Ransiki and Oransbari inhabit, inhabit the mountainous regions Paniai Mee, Meyakh inhabit the city of Manokwari, Moskona inhabit Merdei, inhabiting the vicinity of Lake Sentani Sentani, Souk inhabit Anggi and Menyambouw and many other tribes.

Papuans also have tertinngi mountain in Southeast Asia called Cartens Pyramid included into the seven summit.
In addition Papua also has an underwater world that is beautiful in the world of Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat has 75% of the world's coral. Papuans also have the tradition and culture unique sngat ang.

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