One-legged climber Conquer Elbrus

Finally, what he dreamed to be real. Indonesia's successful climber to conquer Mount Elbrus, Russia, right on 66th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia on Wednesday (08/17/2011). Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Climber's name was Patience. Ascent Forbearance is special because one-legged climber disabled.

Tolerance to the last town before the climb, Pyatigorsk on Thursday (08/11/2011). Arrive at camp First Instance of Emanuel Glade on Saturday (13/08/2011). Within days, he did acclimatization. Right on August 17 evening, he managed to plant a flag of red and white in the snowy peaks of Elbrus.

Of the four members of the Free-RMOL Expedition team, only the patient and a companion who reach the top. The other two "fall" in the middle of the journey. Some time after that, the President had telephoned to congratulate Forbearance.

Patience is now equivalent to other Elbrus legendary climber. Not inferior to the two-legged paraplegic climber, Vladimir Krupennikov (1997) and Yakov London from Russia (2001) or the blind Erik Weihenmayer of the United States (2002). In fact, many people pointed out, Patience is the first one-legged disabled in a world that has conquered Elbrus.

To commemorate his perseverance, some friends in Moscow suggested that the name of Gorky pinned behind his name. According to Russia's historical records, because the winding journey of his life, the poet Alexey Maximovich Peshkov get a new call Maxim Gorky, Maxim aka the owner of a bitter life.

Gorky last name which means bitter, originally an derision for the Maxim. But now it became an epithet is positive. Indonesia also has another Gorky, Gorky is Patience.

Patience Arriving in Moscow Embassy, ​​he was greeted by Indonesian citizens residing in Russia. Embassy organized a celebration for Tolerance. A cake was prepared.

Tart red and white flags that could be stored in the refrigerator Ambassador to Moscow's homeless since the anniversary of independence. No one should touch it.

Emerging tart when Patience came to the Embassy on Saturday (08/20/2011), after returning from the climb Elbrus Patience. His face is half the jet due to cold in the mountains suddenly became happy.

In the presence of more than 80 people will be praying WNI tarawih, Ambassador Hamid Awaludin Patience cut the cake together. Previously, Patience recounts when hobbled with a homemade crampons to the top of Elbrus.

The celebration event was also aired footage Patience trip. Looked at the impressions, Patience several times fell before reaching the summit.

"Cake is indeed bearing the red and white we prepared for our exceptional climbers. Thank God, Mr. Sabar successfully. Therefore I ask all to pray for the success of himself and others accompanying the team as well," said Hamid as he delivered a letter of appreciation.

Ambassador appreciation given it is also associated with the success of Patience became the first disabled person to conquer the one-legged Elbrus. Unmitigated, Patience climb from the north side of which was known to be difficult.

Ambassador also advised that incredible passion that is owned by Patience can be transmitted to the people of Indonesia. Here's an example of life who never gave up.
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