Baliem Valley Festival, Ritual Practice Protecting Village Tribe

Exploring the culture of the Papuan people by becoming part of Baliem Valley Festival which will take place at 8 to 11 August 2011.An opportunity to witness a different tribe from the highlands of Wamena and Baliem, such as the Dani, Lani and Tribe Yali tribe. The three met in their annual festival. This year the festival will take place in Wosiala, Village of Wosilimo, Jayawijaya.

Located at the height of Mount Jayawijaya, Baliem, a long green valley on the other side and beautiful hills in Papua New Guinea. The main purpose of the festival, which perform simulated war between tribes to guard and maintain agility and readiness of each tribe to protect their village.For the sustainability of the event, the management team has provided an arena large enough for will be filled with 500 to 1000 soldiers and dancers.

Scheduling tribal warfare simulation will be held over two days. Will be enlivened by the 24 groups consisting of 30-50 soldiers. During the war will be followed by the traditional music of Papua, Pikon, musical instruments made of wood.The festival is organized by the Government Jayawijaya, with the aim to introduce and maintain the values ​​and culture of the traditional tribe in the valley Baliem. Festival will be enlivened with an amazing arts and cultural performances, including dance and music performances typical traditional Papuan Papuan, and much more.

There is also competition Sege, archery competition, reserved for foreign visitors in honor of apreasiasi their presence in the festival.In addition they can also feel how it feels to be a resident of Papua with the actual use of traditional clothing koteka. Their skin will also be darkened so that the perfection of the population of Papua is more pronounced.
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