The beauty of the lakes in West Sumatra

Nature is so pampering West Sumatra (West Sumatra). How not, West Sumatra as a complete package of natural attractions, from beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, hills, until the cave. In West Sumatra there are several lakes with a size that is so broad.

If your eyes are closed when it comes to one of the lakes, and open new eyes now are on the edge of the lake, it could be that you think are on the waterfront. Most of the lakes that are excellent tours in Solok regency, such as Twin Lakes. As Lake Batur
located in the District of Solok and Tanah Datar, while Lake Maninjau in Agam District.

Lake Maninjau
This lake is a volcanic lake or a lake formed by volcanic activity. Panorama Lake Maninjau with background hills are so beautiful. This lake is the second largest lake in West Sumatra. Do not miss the culinary tour on Lake Maninjau. Bada fish is one that you have to taste it when stopped by the lake.

Then point the way uphill and pass-Ampek Ampek Curved or Curved 44. Sharp turns and short numbered 44 ready to shake your belly. However, views of green rice fields and Lake Maninjau will dazzle you. Moreover, the air is very cool. Therefore, occasionally amongst ourselves a time to bend to stop enjoying the scenery.

Twin Lakes
Why is it called Twin Lakes? Quite simply, because it actually consists of two Twin Lakes lake. Both lakes are Lake and Lake On The Bottom. The water is crystal clear and distinctive cool mountain air makes many tourists who stopped to take a trip to West Sumatra after the volcanic lake.

The trip to Twin Lakes is equally beautiful. Kayu Aro area as it passes, you will see the spread of tea gardens. Meanwhile, at the Twin Lakes area with the easier you will find crops, like strawberries and passion fruit. Lodging in the region also thrives because of Twin Lakes has always been a favorite of tourists in West Sumatra.

Lake Batur
This is the largest lake in West Sumatra. Some food stalls have sprung up the lake area. While enjoying lunch, visitors can see the panoramic view of Lake Batur. Briefly, the extent of Lake Batur make you feel being on the waterfront. However, calm water makes you realize again that in front of the eye is the lake.

Bilih fish or fish the small lake that became one of the culinary must now stop at Lake Batur. Be careful when shopping Bilih fish. It was common knowledge that the fish traders Bilih raise prices up to 100 percent for the tourists.

As the problems often faced by other tourist attractions in Indonesia, Lake Batur also have to struggle with piles of garbage from tourists and locals alike. However, do not quickly move from the edge of the lake. Pamper your eyes with the beauty of Lake Batur are exposed to orange light of sunset.
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